
Common Abbrevation in Guild Wars 2

When we know these abbrevations, we can communicate with other gamers more fluent. There are altogether three rows, the first row list the abbrevation, the second row represents English explain and the last row stands for Chinese illustrate.  


ICU I See You 日常 我知道了,我明白了
idc I don’t care 日常
idk I Don't Know 日常 我不知道
IDS Icy Dragon Sword 装备 冰龙
IGN in game name 游戏里的名字

imba Imbalance 不平衡,BT
insc. inscription or inscribable 铸字或者武器带铸字
JQ Jade Quarry
k,kk,okie ok 日常 好的
KC kaineng center 地点 凯宁中心
kmd kamadan/spamadan 地点 卡玛丹
l8r Later 日常 稍后/再见 (See you later 的简化)
LA Lion's Arch 地点 狮子拱门
LDoA Legendary Defender of Ascalon title
leet elite 例如 leet monk tome
LFG Looking for Group 寻队中

LFP Looking for Party 寻队中
lfr looking for run 找司机、带跑图
lmao Laugh My Ass Off 日常 笑到屁股都掉了
lol Laugh Out Loud/Lots of Laughs 日常 大声笑出来/很多笑声
LS/SS farming lightbringer sunspear points farming
merch merchant 不值钱,的意思
mm minion master 招骨头的死灵、仆从大师
mods modifications 武器的升级组件
mop Mark of Pain 技能
n1 Nice One(1) 日常 这个好

ne1 Anyone 日常 任何人/任何一个
NM Normal Mode 简单模式
nn nighty night 日常 晚安
noob Number One Offensive Buddy Newbie 日常 第一攻击伙伴,新手含贬意)
np No Problem 日常 没问题
Nvm never mind 日常 没关系,算了
oldschool 无法铸字的武器
omg Oh My God 日常 我的天啊
owned Owned 吃定你了
PBAoE Point blank area of effect
pc Price Check 日常 询问价值

perma Perma Shadow Form 无限暗影
pfft 日常 我不关心/随便
plz please 日常 拜托、麻烦
pnh Peace and Harmony 技能 宁静祝福
ppl people 人
Pro Professional 日常 专业级的,高手
pwned Owned 同上
Q11 str require 11 strength 需要11的力量(才能有相应的加成)
r/b reserve bid 保留价(低于这个价格不会卖的意思)
RA random arena 随机竞技场
RaO Rampage as One (游侠精英技暴衡合一)

rdy ready 准备好了
rofl Roll on Floor Laughing 日常 滚在地上大笑
ROJ Ray of Judgement 技能 制裁之光
s/b starting bid 起竞价
sf Shadow Form 技能
shoot=dang= 日常 靠
SoO Shards of Orr 掉骨龙杖的破烂地宫
SP Spawning power
SR soul reaping
ss Spiteful Spirit 技能 恶灵附体(死灵精英)

stfu Shut the Fxxk Up 日常 闭上你的鸟嘴
Str strength 力量
sup What's Up 日常 在做什么/干嘛
sux sucks 日常 很猪很痴呆
SV Spoil Victor
TA Team Arena 队伍竞技场
Tac tactics 战术
tank 肉盾
tbh To Be Honest 日常 老实说
tmr Tomorrow 日常 明天
torm xxx tormented weapons 装备 残杀系列

ttyl Talk to You Later 日常 待会再聊
ty/tyvm Thank You + Very Much 日常 谢谢你/十分感激
ul Unlucky 倒霉或者是称号
unded undedicated 迷你宠物没有被放进hall of monument里
unids unidentified gold weapon 未鉴定的金武器
used 复活用过了
uw underworld 地下世界
VoR Vision of Regret
VoS Vow of Strength 技能
vs Voltaic Spear 装备 电流矛

w/e whatever 日常 随便怎样
w00t What/Yay 日常 什么!?(带惊讶之感)/助语词「耶!」之类
W2g way to go 日常 表扬, 很不错
w8 Wait 日常 等等
wb Welcome Back 日常 欢迎回来
who Word of Healing 技能 治愈之语
WS Wouding Strike
WTB Want to Buy 想收购
WTF What the Fxxk 日常 什么
WTH What the Hell 日常 搞什么鬼啊
WTS Want to Sell 想出售
WTT Want to Trade 想交换

XXX+(eg 100+) Ghastly Summoning Stone 此石头仅在地下掉,通常被看作地下的经验标志
YAA You're All Alone 技能 你落单了
yw You are Welcome 日常 不客气
zb Zealous Benediction 技能 热忱
zb Zaishen Bounty
zm Zaishen Mission
zv Zaishen Vanquish

关于组队 求组用LFG 自己当队长用GLF

求组主线 lfg mission
求组主线+隐藏 lfg mission+bonus
求组主线+大师级 lfg mission+master
求组主线困难模式 lfg HM 例:1章复活纹章任务 按p键打开组队界面 输入lfg rez (rez就是复活的意思)


World Leader Event in GW2 Queen Valley

This post is aiming to make a simple introduction for you about Guild Wars 2 human Map: world leader event in the Queen Valley. 

I believe there are most of Guild Wars 2 players select Human as their race, not except me. While have you participated in world leader events in the game before?

Located in the lower right corner of the Queen of the Valley of the human race novice map swamp area, periodically refreshes the lower world leader event - the secret of the swamp. This event requires you to defeat a giant shadow monster will kill to get a big chest, open chest has a chance to get rare equipment Oh! Unlimited brush each account can only get once a day chest.

In addition, not human maps have the benefits, Norn and Asura map similar incidents, and then we will then introduced.

The Shadow monster size is very large, it will constantly summon portal and throw poisonous water. Priority kill summoned playing the green portal and attention to escape the foot of the red circle you can easily beat it.

Kill the Shadow monster players participating in the event can see a big chest, If your account on other roles have been opened will not see.

The chest generally give four current role level of equipment, everything is random can be able to get a good thing to see the face. The best green quality.


Flame and Frost Story Go on and on

After the releasing of Super Adventure Box, it seems that SAB has become the chief actor in April. Although there are a great number of players hurry up to experience the new-brand Jumping Puzzle, there are also still a large part of players who are keen on Guild Wars 2 Story and hope the cotinuous plot. 

"Guild Wars 2" April 1 update super adventure box activities, players questioned in the official forum in April whether or not to continue to update the Flame and Frost plot.

Followed by the main designer Colin Johanson is our answer to the end of April, the Frostfire war plot or will continue to be updated.

I expected to be updated or between April 26-27.

In addition, the official super adventure box activities also made ​​some adjustments:

1. The wild do not refresh the chest of 8-bit, which is unable to quickly obtain trinkets, you only participate in a copy of the super adventure box to get the weapon skin.

2 super adventure box activities will not continue to appear in the upper right corner of the activities to track the UI.

3. Role select background music interface no longer is an 8-bit music.

4.MOTO no longer continue to sell the Continue Coins, now you can only continued jumping music to get coins.

Welcome to read more related Guild Wars 2 SAB news here: www.gw2goldsale.com/news


Tyria to explore channels Seventh upcoming on line

Brave did not start there, every great thing must have a beginning, but only continued to the end until the completion of it to achieve truly brilliant. This will probably become brave, which will probably become a thing of legend. Tyria world great, all things causal world are brave.

Shared by www.gw2goldsale.com

Everyone childhood perhaps with this kind of dream, Kage no exception, the bards there to listen to all kinds of legends have been accompanied by his growing, he has a dream to become a hero, however, each destined to become a hero will under fate temper ......

He was born in Romania, with a typical Eastern European people's faces. As the artistic director of "Guild Wars 2" into reality, what he will be magnificent fantasy continent of Tyria. He enjoys a high reputation in the game industry, and received numerous awards. , A wholly owned subsidiary ArenaNet, NCSoft's now played for and served as its artistic director and concept artist and NCsoft West, chief artistic director, and Game Developer magazine as one of the 50 artists in 2012, the world's most contagious.

Norn family everyone to believe in their own strength, they believe that of earthy spirituality is a source of strength. Nature gods faith above all else, figurative animal is the guardian of the world, a number of basic types of animals, there are that many of the Spirit of the Wild.